With my first ever blog post I thought I’d go big right out of the gate. I am proud to announcement the formation and launch of the Lowell, MA Salesforce User Group. The goal of this organization is to promote Salesforce community events within the Merrimack Valley to encourage learning, networking and career advancement. This group is open to admins, developers, users, vendors and anyone else that wants to contribute. We will run a variety of events including monthly/quarterly meetings, global gatherings and Salesforce Saturdays. Our presenters will include MVP’s, Awesome Admins and Partners and will cover a wide range of topics. Community feedback on areas of interest Would be greatly appreciated.
We all know that the Salesforce platform is a tremendous business and communication tool. User groups are a platform for personal and professional growth and collaboration built around the Salesforce ecosystem. The Salesforce community and user groups in particular serve a great purpose. They allow participants to accelerate:
Learning: High quality speakers provide instruction and practical experience from a wide variety of industries, orgs sizes, and skill sets. Partners and Sponsors also showcase new products that can help make our jobs easier and our orgs more efficient. Learn about upcoming releases, new features and products. Stay up to date with the latest and greatest from the entire ecosystem. Put this learning to use with your newly acquired skills.
Networking: Connect with other admins, developers and users to share knowledge, offer advice and support. One of the strengths of the #ohana community is the willingness of people to share their time and knowledge to help others. Utilize user groups as times to develop relationships and get real access to some of the best and brightest Salesforce minds on the planet.
Career Advancement: This combines the first two points, but through continuous learning and connecting with others you’ll gain insight into which career path is best for you. Announcements about hiring opportunities and job postings are also common at most group events. After all, the best place to recruit top Salesforce talent is at an event filled with those who are truly engaged and enthusiastic about the platform.
Please join us on the Trailblazer Community and follow us @LowellSFDCUG. If you are interested in speaking, sponsoring or hosting an event please drop us a line. We will have information regarding our inaugural event in the coming weeks.
About the author : Aaron Crear is Founder & Principal at Hat-Trick Consulting. He is a Salesforce Certified Administrator, Sales Cloud Consultant and Platform App Builder. Aaron has been a Dreamforce presenter, leads the Lowell, MA User Group and is a Co-Organizer of Northeast Dreamin'.